Regent Academy News

The Benefits of Creative Writing Courses

The Benefits of Creative Writing Courses

Creative writing courses are more than just learning how to put words on paper; they are an art form that allows individuals to explore their imagination, communicate effectively, and express themselves in unique ways. Enrolling in creative writing courses can be...

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Alumni offer – 10% off

Alumni offer – 10% off

Have you completed a Regent Academy Arts course? Get 10% off a corresponding Arts course, and take your studies to a new level.

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Coming Soon – The 2020 Regent Academy Prize Programme

Coming Soon – The 2020 Regent Academy Prize Programme

Welcome to the new Regent Academy site. You might have noticed some things have changed – we’ve got a new brand and a new look, and with that, comes a new mission. We want to promote creative excellence within Arts and Culture, which is why we’re launching the Regent...

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RA – new look, new site

RA – new look, new site

Welcome to the brand-new Regent Academy. You may notice the site has somewhat changed, and whilst we’ve moved things around – moved them on – our focus on delivering a first-class distance learning experience remains. We’ve optimised our site in order to help you find...

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Introducing our new alumni page

Introducing our new alumni page

Returning students; visit our new alumni page now to find exclusive discounted courses, news about your peers and a place to join in the conversation with fellow students. If you’re a new student, don’t worry. You can still use the Alumni Hub to keep an eye on what’s...

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Introducing our new news channel

Introducing our new news channel

Welcome to our brand-new website! We’re pleased to announce that our renewed platform is ready for students to begin choosing courses and starting their studies right away. However, a new site, means new news. As time goes on, come back to our news page to hear about...

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